Frecuently Asked Questions

You need at least the following specifications:
  • Windows 7 or above.
  • Intel core i3 or similar. 2GHz dual core or faster CPU.
  • 4GB RAM or more.
  • Screen resolution 1024x768.
  • NET Framework 4.5 and Visual Studio 2013 redistributable installed on system.
All the software you can buy from QuantSt.com come zipped. In order to make them work you have to follow the next steps:
  • Open the Data Folder that way,
  • Once opened, open the MQL4 folder,
  • Copy the content of 'Libraries' folder in the zipped archive to the 'Libraries' folder of Metatrader
  • Copy the content of 'Indicators' folder in the zipped archive to the 'Indicators' folder of Metatrader
  • There is also a folder called 'dlls', copy the content of this folder under the installation folder of Metatrader
  • After copy the content of the 'dlls' folder the metatrader installation folder look like this,
  • Restart Metatrader and refresh the indicatos list.
Most of the Software in QuanSt.com uses external libraries in order to work. Please ensure that you have allowed the DLL imports in Metatrader. To activate this option in metatrader please follow the next steps.
  • Click on Metatrader -> Tools -> Options.
  • Check the option 'Allow DLL imports' in the 'Expert Advisors' tab.
  • Click Accept button and restart Metatrader.
No. You download the indicator for one Metatrader version and only for this version.
Some of the software in QuantSt.com are registered software. Your license id is your registered email and is valid for a single PC installation. Other software is not registered and you can use it in as many computers as you want. To use a registered indicator, please follow this indications.
  • Put your registered email in the indicator input tab.
Please send me a message with the following information:
  • The name of the software indicator.
  • Your registered email.
  • Copy the last messages in 'Experts' tab of the Metatrader terminal window.
  • A brief explanation of your issue.
  • Optionally a screen shot with the problem.
I'll try to answer the questions as soon as possible 😉 Thank you.